If you are a filmmaker who needs crew or vendor names and referrals, please reach out to us info@502film.org
Crew & Vendors, We have recently moved Your crew and vendor database PROFILES to a new home
On this site, we welcome crew, vendors and accommodations to create their own free profile so we can share them with productions including feature films, documentaries, TV shows, music videos and commercials who request this information.
How this site is used - Productions reach out to 502 Film and ask us for crew recommendations, places to stay, vendor lists, office space, etc and we send over profiles of all options that fulfill their request, free of charge. In some cases, a crewmember may also have a vendor profile. For example, a cameraperson (crew) might have gear to rent under a vendor listing. A gaffer (crew) may have a truck (vendor), etc. We send over names and contacts for all qualified crewmembers and vendors requested.
Equal opportunity for listings - In order to provide equitable referrals, we send every name under every requested crew position and vendor listed by alphabetical order. For example, if we are asked for 1st AC recos, we send every person approved to be listed as a 1st AC. It is then up to the production to contact and vet the referrals sent to them.
Review process - When you initially sign up for your crew database profile, your profile will be reviewed for accuracy before it is made live. At this time, you may only list yourself in crew positions you have held that are listed on IMDB for feature films or series work. We review IMDB for accuracy of your listing. You are welcome to update and add to your profile at any time. 502 Film will then review those updates before they are made live. Vendors are vetted utilizing their websites and, in some cases, their referrals.
Privacy - At this time, the 502 Film databases are only accessed by 1) our administrative staff 2) users able to see and access their own profile(s) and 3) productions who have requested info for local crewmembers, vendors and accommodations. They receive a special link for their project with contacts for all their specifically requested positions and vendors.
The reason this site is not currently publicly accessible is because 502 Film tracks the economic impact of all films who use our free services. We are able to share with the city and state actual number of local hires, vendors utilized and room nights. Without creating relationships with these productions, we would have to rely solely on the top sheet, often redacted, information publicly available from the Kentucky Entertainment Incentive program. We are able to garner much more information on the economic impact of productions by creating and fostering relationships with these films in our community. 502 Film is open to exploring all options for our databases in the future and no changes to our site’s privacy will be made without notification to all users.
Start creating your profile(s) today and please feel free to share with any crewmember or vendor you believe needs to have their information on our databases. If you do not see a specific crew position or vendor description, please notify us and we will add it right away.
502 Film’s goal is to connect productions - and their dollars - to our vast local resources in an effort to keep those dollars in our community.
Thank you for all you do to make our film and production industry rolling!
Soozie and the 502 Film Team